Saturday, March 29, 2008

Boys' First Movie

This post is from Brent, and this is my first. Annie has been the one who has kept the blog up to date thus far, and so here is my first contribution. When I was a kid I used to love making movies. Now that I have kids, I now have an excuse to make movies again. This was the first one we made together. We have also done a Transformers movie that I will post in the future. I'm still trying to get the licensing squared away with Andrew (he won't let me post it unless he gets a royalty for each time viewed). Anyway . . . enjoy!


mmhamblin said...

Cute movie! I loved it! Annie, you can come visit anytime you want! You won't be so jealous of us come May. That's when we start into the 100s!

Kristin said...

That was pretty awesome. The boys are so much fun to watch! I also enjoyed the sound effects. Those were timed pretty well!

amelia said...

OH MY GOSH I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! Took me back to the days when we'd watch your old movies in the Twin Falls basement :)

Katy said...

I showed this to Susan the other night and we laughed so hard. It way fun... We (and esp. Lucy)are lucky to have such fun little boys in our lives

Kristin said...

I showed this to Jeff and he was laughing his head off! And he also mentioned how great the sound effects were. Those are some cute kids! With some serious acting skills!

Lara said...

Too good. Totally reminds me of the Nielson's old home videos. Those were definately wet-your-pants-worthy.

Unknown said...

that is the funniest thing! I remember watching some of those videos with chris with action figures hanging from string knocking over piles of legos. Pretty funny! I'm going to have to get my little ones it into!

Unknown said...

OH and Annie! That is awesome about your medallion! I am happy for you and what a great example for the girls, you are a great leader!