Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Baby Nightmares

Does this image frighten you? It does my 2 year old.

Jacob has been waking up early (like 5am) the past few days just sobbing. I bring him in to bed and try to get him back to sleep. It happened again this morning. I went in to get him and he was still laying down in his bed and seemed to be crying in his sleep. I picked him up to console him and asked him why he was crying. His answer shocked me. "A scary duck is eating my leg." He could not go back to sleep. I layed with him until about 6:30 when Brent got home from the gym. When Brent walked in the door Jacob jumped up and had to tell dad all about it. Brent misunderstood and asked "a dog ate your leg?" to which Jacob answered, "NO, a SCARY DUCK ate my leg!" Oh, that's even worse!

The funny part is that he keeps talking about it today. He has taken me to his bed 3 times to show me where the scary duck was eating his leg. I wonder if he will freak out next time he sees a real duck. I was unaware that kids that small can have nightmares. Poor Jacob. Ducks are pretty scary, especailly when they eat your legs.


Mrs. Burch said...

That is so funny, and sad, and scary.. Poor guy. I think I saw your husband at the gym this morning actually. Does he go to Gold's too? I thought, "that looks like someone I should know" and then shrugged it off. After reading this, I think it was him. Treadmill? At about 5:50-ish? Must be. Good duck, I mean luck with the dreaming and such...

jillpill said...

That is the saddest thing ever! Poor little guy! I will remember to never mention ducks around him.

Melissa said...

I feel for him. I hate ducks! I have been chased by one before and it's pretty scary!

Ashley said...

ha ha that's funny, you have the cutest boys!

amelia said...

Oh, that is funny. I used to have totally vivid dreams when I was little about the oddest things, so I can relate.

Mary Clark said...

That would be so scary to a little child. Hopefully he will get over his little nightmare soon. I was chased by a duck a few years ago and it was scary. Poor guy

DaLynn said...

What a cutie! Poor kid :(

Brent H. Nielson said...


Do you remember the ducks attacking us at Sun Valley? I think Jacob was there. Maybe he still remembers that.



Eric and Jaime said...

looking at that picture of the duck on your blog was frightening. Those wee beady eyes!No wonder Jacob is afraid.

Head Over Hills said...

Poor kid. I think I'd be scared too if a duck was eating my leg. Hope he is able to sleep better.