Posted by banielson at 12:53 PM 5 comments
I know that most people I know were rooting for girl...I hope you are not disappointed. We sure are not. We just need help with a name now.
Does anyone have any good ideas about how to celebrate other than going out to eat?
Posted by banielson at 9:00 AM 13 comments
Posted by banielson at 12:26 PM 7 comments
Posted by banielson at 10:48 AM 4 comments
Posted by banielson at 10:30 AM 3 comments
Will graduated from kindergarten. He had such a fun year.
Summer sports begin.
One of the most difficult days of the summer for the boys was saying goodbye to their uncle David who is serving a mission in Kobe, Japan. Don't let the smiles fool you, they were all crying their eyes out. We miss you terribly Dave.
We spent a rainy weekend up at Redfish lake with Brent's parents and sister. Because of the rain we changed our plans from camping in tents to spending the weekend at my Grandpa's cabin. Not such a bad thing. We had a great time.
One of the wonderful changes in our lives has been having Brent's sister and her family move to Twin Falls. My boys love spending time with their cousins. This picture is of Jacob and Lucy pretending to go to school.
I think the highlight of our summer was spending a week at Snowbird with Brent's family.
There were so many activities to do. We all climbed the rock wall.....
Jumped and flipped like crazy on the bungee trampolines...
Enjoyed the bounce house...
Raced down the Alpine Slide...
Conquered the electronic Bull...
And ended each day like this!
This is one of the boys favorite activities in the new house. They love the big jetted tub in the master bath. I must admit it is one of my favorite things too.
The last week of July we were able to spend some time with our McMahon cousins. My sister lives in North Dakota and we only see them once or twice a year. We were so thrilled to have them visit this summer.
We spent some time at the cabin again with my family. Grandpa Crandall and Uncle Aaron taught the boys how to fish. We found a perfect place to fish and everyone in the family caught a fish, including Jacob. Guess what we had for dinner?
We spent a few days at Lagoon with the boys and Brent's family. I spent many hours in my yard and garden. We also enjoyed the Twin Falls County Fair. This was a very sick month for me and as a result I don't have pictures of anything. I must have been having a good day on the boys first day of school because I managed to get one of these.
Both boys were very excited about going to school. They both got the teachers that they wanted. Will feels like such a big boy now that he is in school all day. He loves having 3 recesses and eating lunch at school. He really is maturing. Andrew is making a lot of new friends. He loves learning to read. I think his favorite part of school is that he gets to be like his big brother.
We were able to attend General Conference and watch Brent's dad speak. What a wonderful weekend that was. Just before conference Brent's parents were asked to serve in the Area Presidency in New Zealand. Suddenly our time with them was cut short about 9 months. It was wonderful to spend conference weekend with them and the rest of Brent's siblings. We are so sad to have them go but we are so grateful for their examples of service and sacrifice. Our lives are being blessed tremendously because of their obedience. I am so grateful that my children have such wonderful grandparents.
We are planning to go visit them sometime in 2010. We can't wait.
Posted by banielson at 2:25 PM 14 comments
Posted by banielson at 8:42 AM 5 comments