Friday, March 27, 2009

Terrific Twos!

I have to retract anything that may have sounded negative in my last post about this little guy. He does have an independent personality, but I am going to count that as a good thing even though it is sometimes stressful to deal with.

This little guy has really amazed me in the past couple of weeks. Being the proud mom I am I just had to blog about it.

First of all we finally took Jacob's Binky away. This has always been a dreaded process with all of my boys and I just didn't want to deal with the withdrawal symptoms of a baby boy who was detached from his Binky. It was 2 weeks ago and he has not put up even the slightest fight about it. No whining, No crying, No tantrums. Nothing but cooperation on his part. In fact, he found a Binky on the floor under the stove the other day and put it in his mouth for a second, and then willingly threw it in the garbage. What 2 year old does that? (Maybe that was an easy decision on his part due to the dust bunnies and old crumbs attached to the Binky when it went in his mouth???) Whatever the case, he did it! So I am starting to think at this point that maybe I don't have it so bad with him.

And then the Second miracle. (I hesitate writing about this for fear that I may jinx myself, but I am going to have faith in my little guy and go ahead and boast.) We finally set up his "Big Boy Bed". Again, we put it off because we didn't want to deal with the fight of teaching him to stay in his bed. Well, guess who stays in his bed with no fight or fuss? It has only been 2 full days, but so far, so good. He loves his new bed. I think his favorite part is that he can get out all by himself when he wakes up. The past 2 mornings have been like Christmas for Brent and I as we wait for him to wake up. He will just run out of his room with the biggest smile on his face and say "I did it!" Oh we love it!

He really is an amazing boy and he adds so much to our family. We are all so in love with him and thankful that he is ours.

Jacob we are so proud of you. You are amazing!


jillpill said...

Two year olds are terrific! I think Heavenly Father makes them so adorable at this age so we are willing to have more! -love the sticker picture, it's priceless!

Mary Clark said...

Thats great news that he is staying in his new big boy bed. You sure do have cute little boys and we can go through the terrible twos together

Head Over Hills said...

So exciting! He is so darling. I am so scared to try Brinley in a big girl bed. I don't think she will stay in it. I'm going to hope she does as well as Jacob. Cute post. What a sweet little boy.

Kristen said...

Two year olds are so dang cute! Congrats to Brent on losing weight. We need to get with it and be healthier.

Unknown said...

Jacob is so cute... all your little boys are hunks!

Brent H. Nielson said...

We Love Jacob!!!

Mom and Dad Nielson

Katy said...

i ALSO love 2 year olds.

see you this weekend!!

Brent and Marcia said...

Loved these pictures. Luckily, I get to see Jacob and get hugs and kisses from him and the other boys. I'm the luckiest grandma in the world. I don't think the word terrible could even be in the same sentence with Jacob. what a cutie.